
THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING IN PHYSICS (author: Stanisław Mizerski, Poland) Dedicated to my daughter Agnieszka I would like to present for discussion in the physics community my own original and novel conception of the theory of everything in physics. In my opinion theoretical physics  goes today in wrong direction because of wrong concepts and needs […]

Table of Contents

I INTRODUCTION II BASIC TEXT1 Basic philosophical concept2 How humans experience the material world3 Cognitive and experimental material4 The most general law of physics5 Indexing the concepts and laws of physics5.1 Classical physics5.2 Modern physics5.2.1 Relativistic physics5.2.1.1 Special theory of relativity5.2.1.2 General theory of relativity5.2.2 Quantum physics5.2.2.1 Psi wave function and a proposition to revise […]

General concept of unification of physics

I INTRODUCTION The present-day physics, despite its undoubtable achievements, shows great chaos and lack of coherence. In essence, contemporary physics does not explain anything in depth. It revolves around rather short-term and chaotic attempts to create hypotheses. In my opinion theoretical physics  goes in wrong direction because of wrong concepts and wrong ideas and needs […]